Saturday, May 2, 2009

It's days like today

First grade.
I'm trying to sleep,
and I hear a crash
across the hall.
I see the shadow,
and I know just what that was,
you threw your heavy glass bottle,
and mom just happened to be in the way.

So you left for two days,
and mom cried for two days,
and my sisters and I went to school unfazed.
So you thought.

In second grade, we built our own house.
But you , you were left behind.
And we'd visit on weekends,
if you were around,
most of this time
you'd sleep.

There was a breaking point that year,
when you pulled yourself out of the bathroom by your arms,
tomato faced,
bleeding sweat, pouring tears,
barf bucket in tow,
and you begged her not to take us.
You knew she'd take us.
We saw you less,
and less,
until the court orders told her,
she had to let us go.

You'd fight on the phone each time we were there,
a whole day was to long to watch your 0wn kids.
After the screaming match,
which we never understood,
you'd tell us how crazy she is,
and we believed you.

Because we were oblivious to what kind of a user,
a manipulator, a deceiving liar,
you actually were.
How could we believe you were an abuser?
So you thought.

In fifth grade,
after making it half way up the dreaded rope in gym,
I stopped at the water fountain on my way back to class.
And so did another boy,
our neighbor,
and do you know what he said to me?
He said
"hey, I saw them taking him away today, will he get to keep the money?"

He walked away laughing,
and so did I.
In an attempt to hide
what seemed
boiling hot

And those next five years,
you missed my middle school graduation
you missed my sweet sixteen
you missed my first day of high school.

And when the phone would ring,
I could always sense if it was you.
For the first time,
I knew exactly what you wanted me to do.
So you thought.

As soon as the monotone recorder came on,
telling me which button would lead me to you,
I hit the button,
the other button,
and I would hang up on you.
Because you hung up on us.

And when you came home,
I never wanted to leave you alone,
and you were different,
and you loved us,
and we loved you.

For a few months.

By tenth grade,
you stopped kissing the ground we walked on,.
And it's days like today,
when I'm putting on my lavender princess dress,
when I wish the court papers weren't in place
to tell you
to stay away.

It's senior year, Dad,
and tonight is prom,
and in a few months
I'm going away.
And you won't be able to catch up on all the lost time,
and you won't be able to apologize,
and you'll realize,
you left me,
and I'm doing just fine,
without you.
So you think.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Part 2

(sorry, i never write anything happy, but i hope you all like this)

I want more than just "I'm sorry"
Have you not taken enough?
Put back the pieces of me you broke
A desire to be whole
Give it back to me
Give me back the heart I gave to you
All you did was spit on it
And when you were through
I stayed broken
When I look at you
Can you see the ghost in my eyes?
My eyes, so dark almost black
Almost dead, from the twisted confusion you lead
I want more than just "I'm sorry"
This is my life
Doesn't matter if I move on, I'm scattered
Waiting, waiting and tired
So exhausted from the exertion
I meet someone else but
my heart is still with you
No matter how much I deny it
Incomplete till the last moment
And you won't even know
Even if I told you
You would not care
But I still wait for when you will
I still wait for when you see my tears
And know that I'm not okay
I want more than just "oh."
I want more than just "I'm sorry"
I want more than just the message on my cell phone screen
Cold and heartless, like you
I don't want to act crazy for your attention anymore
I don't want people to hate me
Because I can't help myself
I deserve more than just "I'm sorry"
But I guess you will never think so.

Idealistic thoughts

(Since I know some of you still will be reading the blog, I decided to put this one on even though many of you have already heard it. I still feel it's my best and I know it's Julia's fav *wink*)

This was how I imagined the conversation to go
Hey, how have you been?
Good, things have been working out well, you?
Yeah, you know how it is. Living the dream.
Good, good. I haven’t seen you in forever!
I know. There is so much to tell.
Yeah, there is. Want to go out to lunch so we can catch up?

And we talked for hours, all the laughs and sighs of a past history
The twinkling and fizzing of a renewed chemistry thought lost
Would I let myself bleed again for him?
Yes. A million times over.

His house, late at night in his bed
Over and over, an insane and wild passion unleashed
I would remember that body, slim and smooth
I would remember those eyes, dazzlingly deep blue
I would never have forgotten the way his neck curved under my kiss
Or the heat of flushed faces and careless little chuckles of enjoyment
Or our lips swollen from touching while I shivered in his warm embrace
The warmth
Warmth was what I would rejoice in
An indescribable warmth spreading to fingers and toes, a fire in my core
A fire in my very being
I would remember our first time,
Ten years later when I met him again
Hiding the pain far and deep
For a moment
Let him see the blood he had drawn
Our bodies so familiar to one another, connected in perfection
And this time he would love me
He would love me still years later
The regrets of not admitting the truth
His gestures would be apologies,
Would accept with no question
Please stay, he would say
The two words I dream of
Curling up into his chest
Feeling soft kisses on my face
Together, is all that I wanted
Nothing but a dream of the future

A wasted wish with no hope
But I couldn’t deny it
If there was a way to cope
I would try it
Unable to let go of the past
Time keeps speeding by so fast
But I hear your whispers to me in the night
And then there is emptiness
You aren’t whispering to me, you don’t even know
Because there’s the undeniable hatred you show
I must wake to reality of hard dawn
Know that you aren’t beside me,
Fake pictures in my head I’ve drawn
I lied to myself for so long
Thinking you’d love me, so wrong
A slap on the cheek
Was all that I needed
To you I’m just that freak
Who never succeeded.

Blog Love

I hope that some of you return here after the haze of prom weekend has worn off. When you do, I want you to take a minute and revel in how AMAZING you are. You have woven a web of words that is full of pain and fear and sadness but also exuberance and joy and survival. It is breathtaking, all of it, and I am so very proud of each of you. So check out the poems and the comments about your work and others, if you haven't already. And keep posting here. Please. It makes me happy and humbled and inspired, not just as your teacher, but as a fellow writer. Have I said how much I love my job? Thanks.

Aches and Pains

This feeling,
this ache
that I have
started out small at first
these thoughts
were just flying, fleeting
surfacing only as raindrops
sticking to my skin
under the
rhythmic pitter-patter
of another afternoon thunderstorm in the middle of July.
This feeling,
this ache
has festered into
the corners of my heart
the split-ends of my hair
the space between my toes
the slope of my hips.
I was twelve.
And it had only just begun to rain.

It started with the scale
with neon numbers flashing, glaring
back at me
changing everyday
making me wonder how I was growing so fast
how everyday I was falling farther and farther away
from the orange-haired
freckle-faced girl
with grass stains on the knees of her jeans
who had size 0 hand-me-down sundresses
waiting in the closet.

And now,
while it's still about the scale,
it's also about the mirrors
the inches
the stores
the sizes
the stares -
Stares that I will never return.
But you will never get to know that
I have been suffocating
underneath the weight of myself for years
that I have been hungry, but never smaller
that I have been anxious, but never afraid
that most of the time I look in the mirror
and do not recognize the thick, unforgiving curves
staring back at me
that instead
I expect to see the girl with grass on the knees of her jeans.

And if I could,
I would shake her and tell her
just breathe, little girl
your soft, speckled skin
and your short, stick-like legs
are beautiful.
If you only knew
it has only just begun to rain.

But that girl is nowhere to be found.
And no amount of sweat, tears, or hunger
is going to bring her back.
But I will never confess to you
that's what I have been
trying to do
to fit into the breath of space
between this size and the next
to shrink back into nothing
to float effortlessly somewhere else
anywhere else
where I can't analyze
the corners of my heart
the split ends of my hair
the space between my toes
the slope of my hips
the destruction scene they have become
and neither can you.

I will speak just this once
vaguely, quietly
so you can't get too close
to the numbers circling in my head
so you can't pity me.
you can only sit with me
and listen
to the pitter-patter of the rain,
the staggering bounce of my breathing
and wait for me to say something
because all I can do
is lie on my back
with my face pointed towards the gray sky
with the rain dampening my outspread arms
with salty tears sliding slowly
down my cheeks,
with my mind drifting in and out of consciousness
dreaming about the day I will walk by a mirror
and yearn to see
what I now despise
and I will tell that girl
just breathe
I think the rain is stopping now
falling lightly now
It's okay to look,
and think about where
this feeling,
this ache

A Haiku For Frank

Frank Smith is the best
He is also a great man
His face warms my soul.