Friday, May 1, 2009

Blog Love

I hope that some of you return here after the haze of prom weekend has worn off. When you do, I want you to take a minute and revel in how AMAZING you are. You have woven a web of words that is full of pain and fear and sadness but also exuberance and joy and survival. It is breathtaking, all of it, and I am so very proud of each of you. So check out the poems and the comments about your work and others, if you haven't already. And keep posting here. Please. It makes me happy and humbled and inspired, not just as your teacher, but as a fellow writer. Have I said how much I love my job? Thanks.


  1. I think I speak for pretty much everyone when I say this is simply the greatest class ever, and this blog is easily the greatest thing we've done ever. So thank you Ms. Herlihy!

  2. Ms. Herlihy, I just want you to know that next year at college when I need inspiration and a reminder of how amazing writing and life and people are...I will come to this blog. I will keep the website in my memory box along with our class I Am From poem and the letter my parents wrote me, and all the things we did in this class will be all the inspiration I could ever need. Thank you, so much.

  3. I could never thank you enough for everything you've talk me this year. And this blog is so amazing. It's like group writing therapy. Thank you so much.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Ms. Herlihy, we weren't kidding when we said this blog has become the new facebook. It is such an inspiration to all of us, and it is a wonderful way to be able to express ourselves because that is normally so difficult in a high school setting. You are an unbelievably amazing teacher and this blog is just a reflection of that - you made each one of us want to participate in something in APRIL of our senior year. Thank you for all of the effort and inspiration you give each of your students every day.

  6. Ms. Herlihy,
    your class, especially this blog, has inspired me to write about something that matters. It had helped me more thoroughly understand my classmates, and myself. I appreciate all you have taught me and I wanted to thank you to all the effort you have put into making me succeed when I didn't think I had the potential. I have spent more time of here than on facebook this week...that speaks volumes!

    You are an incredible teacher, thank you so much.

  7. Ms. Herlihy,
    you are the absolute cutest!! of course i will be on the blog, probsbly forever, like abbie said, it's the new facebook! i just want to say that this blog is probably the most creative and powerful project that i have done in any class. i love the feeling that there is no judging and everyone can feel honest and comfortable. thanks for letting us do this...and thank you for inspiring me all year. you are the best!!!
