Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Kangaroos can't hop backwards

"Kangaroos can't hop backwards."
The words came flying out of his mouth.
As he picked only the green apples "Because they make better pies."
I look at him with glowing eyes and say
"I didn't know that"

The next time we meet is at a pool.
He is embraced with flotations devices.
As his mother puts them on he fights to get them off.
The plastic hurts his sensitive skin. 
once in the pool he bobs around like a
sealed bottle in the sea. 

The last time we meet is at a dinner 
to raise money from him no less. 
I look around and become puzzled.
There is a sea of puzzle piece name tags
I don't understand why it's the symbol for autism.
Because Ethan is not puzzled he knows exactly what he wants. 
 He wants a green apple pie and to swim unaided.        

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