Tuesday, April 29, 2014


To me, the tree always seemed lonely,
the gaping hole in the leaves above.
And for that tree I wanted one thing only:
a treehouse to be filled with love.

As a kid it was my greatest desire
to rein, up in the whispering leaves.
For so long my passion was a great fire
and why I’d pretend, hiding high in the eaves.

Alas, I never got my own treehouse,
a place where I could always be free.
Instead I would play with the field mouse
and all the creatures that would come to me.

Now, fully grown, that tree seems less gloomy
‘cause that hole seems a whole lot less roomy.


  1. This poem is awesome. you did an excellent job writing from a child like prospective and showing the wonderment and whimsy of a child's thoughts

  2. I love this, I think its really cute and it's perfectly done.

  3. I'm really digging the personification in this. I think it helps to set the tone of the poem.

  4. You know I love this poem. I like how you start with the tree and end with the tree, despite the time that has gone by.

  5. I really like this poem because it brings me back to childhood fantasies that I had that never got fulfilled. It's nice to have a memory jogger like this sometimes. The form of a sonnet also works well for this as it makes it flow nicely, which I find I like in poems like this. Nice work!
