Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I Don't Know

A poem for English is due today,
Yet nothing has come to mind I must say.
Soccer, baseball, skiing are all a thought,
So is the time I made the winning shot.
But when it comes down to it I don’t know,
I might as well write one badly, so-so.
Here it goes my effort exuded,
All nouns, adjectives I know included.
Pets, sports, hobbies, no idea where to start,
Maybe instead of thoughts I’ll try my heart.
Hmm feelings, maybe I’ll give them a go.
Pain, sadness, happiness from head to toe.
I think, but nothing comes, oh darn what next?
Damn! Herlihy says it must be complex.
Well there goes my thoughts along with the bell,
Out the door I go knowing I’ll hear hell.


  1. This is a glorious poem. Touching is the only word I can use to describe this masterpiece.

  2. I am going to make you post another poem, or several, until you post something that suggests the actual talent you have. Look at Christopher Merrill's poetry. This one can be your ironic masterpiece.

  3. Out of the over 500 words that rhyme with "know", you chose "so-so"

  4. never heard anything better by you seth- i appreciate the true meaning behind this.

  5. I just love.... It's too.... Really your insight is truly perfect. You are an enlightened being.

  6. Your mind is a fortress. And the battering ram of poetry will never break in to expose your thoughts.

  7. One of the best pieces of poetry I have read.
