Wednesday, April 13, 2011


You sit there weeping begging for me to come back to you.
Waiting for me to kiss you as you tie your shoes.
Ready for me to attack with kisses upon kisses.
You act as though I’m not with you, as though I have left you for good.
I can see the pain on your face with me gone.
I am with you every hour of every day.

You think back to times we shared.
Going on walks in the neighborhood when we were both young.
Laying in bed together falling asleep.
Playing in the snow with you throwing snow balls at me.
Me tackling you into the snow with all the force I have.

I follow you through the day always by your side.
I watched you as you became victorious in something you love.
I watched as you lead a group of young kids to something very rare.
I watched you as you spent nights wishing for me to come back.
I stand beside you now as you write this poem.


  1. I love that the speaker is the dog. Have you read The Art of Racing in the Rain? I think you would like it.

  2. The perspective you wrote in was very unique- Shelby was a good doggy. Xoxo

  3. This is very good. Very sad, but well done.
