Monday, April 11, 2011

the key to understanding this poem is in the title.

This entire poem is a metaphor

for an idea that you simply are not deep enough to comprehend.

because there must be some reason for me to say

that “the tree had embraced me with smooth, cool gray branches”

instead of saying “I was in the tree that was cold and gray.”

the tree means something, doesn’t it?

I mean maybe I’m dealing with the loss of a beloved pet,

or maybe my mother never really loved me,

or maybe I had just acheived something great.

I must have been experiencing a lot of pain or happiness when I wrote this.

any analysis of this poem should consist of at least 450 words.

all misspellings and grammatical errors are intentional artistic choices made by the poet.

so you should probably say something about that in the analysis.


  1. I feel like this is one big metaphor, but I'm not sure if I am deep enough to comprehend it.

  2. I'm sorry for your loss in regarding your pet that must be heartbreaking :(

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. i like challenges the importance of poetry. well done.
