Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Late Night Talks

I am from a father whose only income was picking potatoes, from a mother who took care of 7 other siblings.
I am from dirt roads, back woods, PBR, and Jason Aldean.
I am from a society where Sunday is just like any other day.
I am from trips to the County, cribbage, and family friends that are as good as any.
I am from a household where the person you thought you resented most, has taught you the most about life.
I am from a 19 person sisterhood, win together- loose together.
I am from a team that was expected to win that semi-final game. And Didn’t.
I am from a childhood where visiting the same town when you’re younger means life, laughter, and love. But going back as you get older only means death.
I am from bonfires, Chadbourne Ridge, Middle Rd. and a great group of friends.
I am from Gorham PD, Buxton PD, Groville, and the mini mart.
I am from a father who opened his own fishing tackle, archery, and hunting shop called ‘Barnes Outfitters.’
I am also from a father who gave up his two stores in Freeport and Portland, to be with his oldest daughter.
I am from long nights scooping ice cream with my Beal’s girls.
I am from an Uncle, 4 Grandparents, and many more, who were buried in the Presque Isle Cemetery.
I am from mud on my jeans, long nights, trees being chopped down, and loud trucks.
I am from a daycare where I thought the kids were my brothers and sisters, and our provider was our mom.
I am from a little girl, standing over her Grandparents casket's, at the age of Ten. Eleven. Twelve. Thirteen.
I am from a desire, a dream, and a vision in 2009.
I am from a Polaris 550 fan cooled super sport snowmobile; it gets me there.
I am from teachers that have taught me the world, and some that have taught me the classroom.


  1. Elena, I remember this one. I love how you have honed it down. I love how the details like the mud on my jeans, a casket, and cribbage can all end up here and work. Nice work.

  2. I really like this poem, great details.

  3. i like your details, and specific, tangible moments/memories
