Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Thanks Kevin Rudolf!

I am 3 and I am speeding down the road in my bright pink Barbie jeep, the warm sun kissing my shoulders, my mother chasing me as I drive away, feeling the 3 mile per hour wind in my hair.
I am 4 and I have a baby brother that I am supposed to love but the only feeling that I have for him is jealousy, jealousy of the attention and the love that was once mine.
I am 6 and I am what they call a late bloomer. I am finally ready to take the plunge and remove my training wheels, no matter how many times I scuff my knees on the tar. 
I am 8 and I have transferred schools 3 times, making and losing friends as I go, hoping that one day I will be able to enjoy the feeling of stability like the other kids.
I am 10 and I have a slip and slide in my back yard. I glide across the hot blue plastic in my pink polk-a-dot bathing suit, crashing into the refreshing puddle that greets me at the end.
I am 13 and I have finally grown the nerve to stand up to my Father. I have finally decided that enough is enough, and I will not allow him to bully my brother and I as we sit in fearsome silence.
I am 16 and for the first time I have realized that my actions affect others more than they affect me. Reality has officially given me a slap in the face and has told me that it is time to grow up.
I am 17 and I am finally at the place that I need to be and God has graced me with a life that has prepared me for the future that I must handle alone.
I am 17 and my maturity tramples that of my Mother.
I am a child forced to abandon the days of jumping on the trampoline in the summer sunshine for a boring job.
I am 17 and even though there are things that I wish I could still do, I know that the decisions I make will be worth it in the end.
I am 17 and I have made my motto for life, “Go big, or go home!”
I am 17 and I’ve made it.


  1. I had some of my juniors read this and they loved it! The details of the beginning melds with the evolution of the end. It's also real. Thanks for posting.

  2. haha i loved it! it was very creative, and even sorta funny

  3. Think this is my favorite poem. It has good word choice and is easy to relate to.

  4. This is a great poem. Anyone who reads this can have a personal connection to some part of it.

  5. i love the details at the beginning of the poem, especially the pink barbie jeep.

  6. i wish i could like comments, like i can on facebook....
