Monday, April 26, 2010

Bus Number Eight

Bus number eight pulls into
the Skillin School parking lot
with Shorty behind the wheel and
he smiles his bad teeth smile and
I can see the sweat gathering on
his shiny bald head but then
the big girl pushes me out of the way
with her thick chubby arms
and takes her place near the front of the bus but then I
notice Ben is sitting near the front and I go
to sit next to him because he's my best friend
but the big girl says
so I sit next to her instead and then
the big boys strut to the back because
they are ten and I am only seven and
they kick my bag when they walk by
and laugh at me until
I make the mistake of opening my bag and the big girl
sees something shiny so she wants it but
I don't want her to want it but she's
huge so I let her take it and
my eyes are filling with tears so I look at Ben and
he yells at the big girl and calls me over to sit
next to him but
then all the boys sitting with boys and
all the girls sitting with girls start giggling
and saying
but this time I don't care because he keeps me


  1. I'm a fan of the simplicity of it, goes with the idea/age.
    The repetition of parts that change up the scheme, ect.
    But I don't like that big girl =(

  2. I love this! Captures a moment from elementary school that is relatable, everyone remembers the dreaded bus ride. Your voice is great in this piece, and conveys the fear, at first, of being a boy lover. Fantastic :))

  3. This reminded me of Junie B. Jones, but way cooler... And trust me, Junie B. Jones is as pretty close to awesome as one can get! :) I love how the running lines and lack of punctuation reflect just how jostling and bustling the bus rides of elementary school can be - great job!

  4. I love this scene. You capture the horror of the bus ride with the perfect details of the kicked bag or the menacing girl. (I had a girl like that on my bus!) The small details are perfect here. Nice work.

  5. I really like this one! The structure of the poem, and how you placed some words on their own lines, emphasizes the significance of the moment and how you remember it. Having no punctuation until the end of the piece adds to the already strong and unique voice that the poem has. Awesome job!

  6. I really liked this poem! I thought it was really impacting how you put the part about being a boy lover in several separate lines in order to help emphasis how big of a deal this was back in the time of middle school drama! I think you have really good voice here, and you convey the scene very well! Awsome job! :D

  7. I like the short lines they add to the humor of the poem. Great job!
