Monday, April 26, 2010

I'll Always Be Molly Hatchet To You.

There was a birthday,

when I turned twelve

that you were there for.

You came around in your Harley shirt

and pick-up truck,

ducking through my doorway

to call me Molly Hatchet

and make me remember

why you're my favorite.

You didn't swoon over my brother,

but carried in a beat-up old guitar case

and played something just for me.

Then you told me it was mine,

that favorite old guitar.

You remembered as I grew older

and became a high school student,

you wished you could be there

for my musical performance.

You called me on my birthday,

sent a card,

sent an email,

reminding me to keep strumming

that favorite old guitar.

You filled me with a love for music

stronger than any illness.

A love that will prevail

even when you have no voice to sing,

no energy to perform.

You told me once

during a call,

or in a card,

or in an email,

to stay on track

so I don't end up like you.

If only you knew,

that's exactly who I want to be,

always playing that favorite old guitar.


  1. This poem has such a balance of sadness and sweetness and I love how you manage to convey both the love the speaker has and the complicated nature, perhaps, of that love, without over-explaining the situation. Your voice shines here.

  2. This poem has a nice simplicity to it, yet at the same time it holds such a strong and emotional message. The way you describe how much you love the guitar and the music you learned to play on it, portrays the deep admiration you have for the person that gave the guitar to you. I also think the title is great! Awesome job!!
