Sunday, April 25, 2010

Pondering Too Much Pondering

To think, or to act? That is the question.

Whether tis nobler to ponder an idea and let time takes its course, or to simply to act upon it?

To think first and act later or let impulse take over?

What time is wasted when we think?

What turmoil we cause when we act before thinking?

To think is not an action. Or is it, in itself, an action of inaction?

As time itself slips by with no action, or instead action of inaction.

Time goes by as we sit and think of what we would have done and what could have done, or even should have done.

Or think of what we did which was really nothing at all but sit and think, which in itself is actually an action of doing nothing.

So then is nothing an action of doing nothing?

If I should act and the outcome be disastrous is that better than not acting at all?

Is a poor outcome worse than no outcome, which is actually from no action, which is actually an action of inaction?

What deeds go undone as we sit and ponder the meaning and effects of too much pondering?

And there is the question. Is it possible to ponder too much, or even to act too much?

1 comment:

  1. This reads like a parody of both Shakespeare and Hamlet and made me laugh out loud!
