Monday, April 5, 2010

Wittle Boy

Underneath my shirt is my skin

Underneath my skin is my heart

Underneath my heart lies a lost boy

Not a man but a boy, lost within himself

Underneath the boy, the man he sees himself becoming

Underneath who he wants to become, Success

Not only financially, but in all aspects,

Life, Love, Happiness

Behind all of this restraint

Stress from what is expected of him

From what he expects from himself

Not knowing


Afraid to bridge the gap between boy and man

Underneath it all?

Who I am…


  1. I like the line: afraid to bridge the gap between boy and man. It speaks to this moment well.
    Way to kick off the 2010 blog.

  2. I liked the layers we got in the poem, and I really liked that even after shedding all the hopes and hesitation, we are just now scratching the surface of who you are. It really captures the depth of a person. Great job Bao, this is an utterly relatable feeling you evoke.

  3. I like the commentary on the subject, as it is an interesting, and somewhat confusing subject. "Afraid to bridge the gap between a boy and a man" I like that line, something i think most people can relate to in one way or another. Well Done.
