Thursday, April 29, 2010

Butterfly Kisses

He asks me How I slept

I say fine.

He asks me if I am ready for the day

I say yes.

He asks me how my breakfast was

I say good.

He walks away in his gray sweatshirt

that I bought him for Christmas.

He comes home from work

Asks me how my day was

I say good

He asks me what happened at school

I say nothing

He asks me how work was

I say okay

He goes to do his sudoku

and I go upstairs.

I remember the father daughter dance

I'd wear my best dress,

my dad his best suit

we never left the dance floor.

I remember our special kiss

before I went to bed.

I remember asking him to leave pictures

underneath my pillow.

I remember playing outside with him

and making him lift me by the elbows.

my elbows are scraped now

the dress I wore is torn

my lips are chapped and dried

and the pictures are long time gone

and for now the dance floor is empty

but someday we will be back

I in my dress

him in is suit

no matter how long we sit it out

he will always be my dad.


  1. Kristi,
    I love the imagery here and how it shows both distance and intimacy. It made me think of my dad. Great voice here! You rock!

  2. Kristi,
    I totally agree with Ms. H, you rock :) I could almost hear your voice when I was reading it. <3 way to step it up!

  3. I really like the repetition of "I remember" throughout the poem. It made the piece more intense as you kept remembering more and more specific times of your life. I also love the shift in the poem from the past to the present! =]

  4. i like the shift in description involving your elbows and dress that counter the beginning of the poem. nice job :)

  5. I really like this poem because I feel like the topic is something that many people can connect with. I also like how you included specific memories, it made it much easier to connect with. Nice job :)

  6. this is probably my favorite poem on the blog. There is something about the simplicity of it that I really like. Plus I totally agree with Daisy.
