Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Underneath her white tee shirt is her skin

Underneath her pale skin is her beating heart

Underneath her heart there is a young girl clenching her blankey as she falls asleep

Underneath the blanket is torn thread, escaping fluff, and memories holding the pieces together.

Underneath her Redsox baseball cap is her long straight bangs hiding her warm brown eyes

Underneath her eyes is her mind clinging to all the little things from the past day, the rain, the laughs, the stumble down the last step.

Underneath her clumsiness is the fierceness of a dare devil, attacking the challenges of the net, the glove and the world.

Underneath her clumsiness is a smile.

By: Terri Bastarache :)


  1. I think my favorite line is the second to last one. I love the idea that underneath clumsiness is a fierce daredevil. I think that's true; someone who is so ready for the world, she sometimes gets tripped up.

  2. I really like how well you describe every part of this poem. My favorite line is "underneath her clumsiness is a smile." It shows your personality and ability to make fun of yourself =].

  3. Since I know you so well I know this is such a "Terri poem". I agree with the others that my favorite part is the clumsiness part near the ending. This really lets your personality shine through.
