Friday, May 17, 2013

Camouflage and Flowers: A Villanelle

You are mine and I am yours
A mix of camouflage and flowers,
Our love will outlast all wars.

Your hand on my back adores,
Your devoted gaze empowers,
You are mine and I am yours. 
Even through the yells and slammed doors,
even though this time was meant to be ours,
Our love will outlast all wars.

The way your voice implores
The way it sounds in the late hours,
You are mine and I am yours.   

From where you stand on the far-off shores,
Think of me 'til the thought overpowers,
Our love will outlast all wars

Hand in hand we will stay outdoors
Laying under a tree's caressing bowers
You are mine and I am yours 
Our love will outlast all wars. 

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