Friday, May 10, 2013

Girl, But Not With The Moon on a String

To the little darlin’ with the broken old radio
You live blind to your dystopian world
Crumbling, rotting away while you sustain in your world of flowers and light
You know he’s not around the corner with a brown paper bag
Full of celery and cigarettes
Even though you don’t remember that he’s twenty years late
Give it another twenty and maybe you’ll realize 
That the world has stopped turning while you were asleep.


  1. This is short and sweet, which I like. I love the talk of dystopian worlds. Very fascinating.

  2. I love the specific use of celery and cigarets. This poem is like a little story within itself which i really like.

  3. I love the lines "You live blind to your dystopian world, crumbling, rotting away while you sustain in your world of flowers and light." It speaks for itself and captures a problem in so many people's lives

  4. I LOVE the last three lines, because I think everyone has those moments. I think it says a lot about people and human ignorance, and how people hold on to things. Really good!

  5. I told you I loved the alliteration of celery and cigarettes and I still do. I also love the beginning which sets up an image of a person who is in a sort of lovely oblivion waiting for the hum of a broken radio. Thanks for sharing.
