Thursday, May 9, 2013

Weighted (This is meant to be a Slam)

Your comments slip off silver
Like slivers of ice-nine
Onto frozen ears.
Your eyes betray you.
Tears are crystals
Meant to be broken.
When you hold my shoulders
It no longer feels
Like the arms of a chair,
But of the cold metal of a cell.
Your hand on my waist
Is not soft; 
It is a chain,
You are the weight at the end.
In the mirror,
You are the ghost at my shoulder,
The hand clutched around my heart,
And the anchor of the voices
In my head.
You are the crazy,
The hazy, 
The wild,
The doubt that brings me back
Into the safety of the shell
I painted gold.
But the paint chips.
And underneath is a softness
That has no name.
Your words still cut,
You are still the blade
Wedging itself farther
Into my back
And deepening the scar
That was already there,
Blood dripping down my spine
Until I have no spine left
Because you severed it. 
And now my words
Are pouring onto the page
Because they have nowhere else to go,
I am bleeding words
That have built up for years
Inside my paper skin
Onto the paper in front of me, 
And there you are,
The paperweight on the corner of the page. 


  1. Great job, I feel like it would be even more powerful in your own voice!

  2. I love you Cas :) I love it!

  3. I really liked "paper skin" and how that person is a "paper weight". This poem says a lot and i liked it a lot!

  4. My favorite part of this poem is definitely the crazy, hazy, in my head part. I really like how is shows the confusion and the fog that people can feel. Cool, Cassie!

  5. I really love the imagery in this and I like the allusion to Cat's Cradle :)

  6. I'm glad this didn't post, so then I get to you read your poem again, which is truly lovely! I love the title and how that idea of weight is carried through to the very last line. As always, I love your risk in telling the emotional truth without hesitation. There are not many people who can claim vulnerability in clear and lyrical ways, but you do. There are so many lines I love here, but here are a few:You are the ghost at my shoulder,/The hand clutched around my heart,/And the anchor of the voices/In my head.
    I also love the "painted gold" metaphor. I hope you keep writing amidst your other more scientific pursuits. You have important things to say.
