Thursday, May 9, 2013

Hidden Pain

Every day she walks through the falling ashes of her life.
And no one even knows.

No one pays attention to

The way her heart is in too many pieces.
Broken too many times for her to believe
she can piece it back together again.

She keeps a smile on her face.
Keeps on laughing through the pain.
So no one asks.

But if someone looked a little closer,
they'd see the dark circles under her eyes,
the bruises, the tears she's trying to contain.
The scars on her wrists  and the pills in her backpack.

She thinks she's the only girl who lives like this.

Her house is divided by those who see her as a burden and
those who see her as a blessing.
A walking shadow of who she used to be,
and the bright future she could lead.

She dreads the night that every girl dreams of, because
Every guy wants to sleep with her but not one of them
wants to take her to prom.

She lowers her shirt so that maybe one guy will call her beautiful,
not knowing that the boy in math class has been staring at her blue eyes all year.

She looks at herself in the mirror every morning.
To see if today, she can truly see beauty.
But all she sees is the bulge around her waist
that no one else would notice with a magnifying glass.
She doesn't eat, just looks.  Every morning.

Who said lightning doesn't strike the same place twice?
She thought that the first time
would be the only time. 
But then it happened, again and again
until she was stripped of her identity,
and was replaced with shame.

She has scars from battles nobody won
and a hole in her heart the size of the world
because that's what hurt her.


  1. Woah. This is intense. The imagery is fantastic! I especially love the first line, "Every day she walks through the falling ashes of her life." That image sets up the poem perfectly. Great word choice! A very moving piece - great job, Amy!

  2. I love this poem! You captured the "hidden pain" wonderfully by mentioning the aspects of teenage life that they worry about the most. Great job!

  3. This poem is strong because you use harsh truth and tell a pure story. I agree with Lily.. great word choice!

  4. Wow. Just wow. This hit me hard. I can really relate to the girl in the poem. Having struggled with problems throughout my life, it makes me happy that people like you, Amy, can shed a little light on the subject. Thanks.

  5. The part "again and again" was really stunning and heartbreaking. Despite feeling pain, it's easy to fall into these repeated cycles to feel wanted or loved or something like that. But underneath it all is just hurt, or "hidden pain." Splendid job

  6. As I told the class, I have entered the weepy phase of the year. The end of this poem made me cry. I love how you can inhabit this space and speak from there with compassion and tenderness. I love the imagery "falling ashes of her life" as well as the truth at the end: "she has scars from battles nobody won"

  7. This poem has such a hard truth behind it. You tell an amazing story with great imagery! Awesome job!
