Thursday, May 9, 2013

Painted Words

If poetry is art,
Then I’m a champion finger-painter.
My words amount to globs
Of pink, red, and blue
With seemingly no form or identity.

A dab here,
A drop there. 

But behind these infantile streaks
Lies my soul hidden in color. 
The rosy pink of blushing cheeks,
Two red hearts beating as one,
And the bitter blue of a love torn apart.

You can’t see this,
Can you?
I’m clumsy with my brush,
Spilling drops and forgetting others,
Leaving you with a beautiful mess.

A tad here,
A touch there.

See, I’m new to this world
Of pouring my soul onto a blank canvas.
My brushstrokes may be messy
And the colors may not blend,
But they are mine, and they are me.

So like a proud toddler
Clutching my masterpiece,
I stand before you
With a paint-smattered face
And a so-called work of art.

My creation may never hang in a museum, but please:
At least let it hang on the fridge.


  1. I love this poem! You really captured the voice of a young child while still adding your own voice. Your use of imagery was great and made it very enjoyable and funny to read!

  2. my favorite lines are: "my brushstrokes may be messy/ and the colors may not blend,/But they are mine, and they are me." And I disagree, I think you are a wonderful poet :)

  3. I LOVE this poem Lily! The rhythm of it is really good and I just love the idea of painting poetry. Super duper :)

  4. Oh Lily! This is really cute, and really cool. The finger-painting metaphor is awesome and I love the please let it hang on the fridge at the end.

  5. I liked this poem, you were able to capture the excitement of the child, and I liked the usage of repetition, like with "A tad here,
    A touch there." Nice!

  6. This was so good! I absolutely LOVE the last two lines, and I think it makes the whole thing seem more concrete and real, and brings it back from smooth language to the real world. Great detail and metaphor, and I love it :)

  7. This was so fun to read. It reminded me of my childhood. Finger painting was a very appropriate metaphor for the topic you chose to write about.

  8. Lily! I was really impressed! I often feel like I'm not good at poetry and this just spelled out how I feel perfectly. I really love how you compare yourself to a child painting, that's very clever! "See, I’m new to this world
    Of pouring my soul onto a blank canvas.
    My brushstrokes may be messy
    And the colors may not blend,
    But they are mine, and they are me." bless.

  9. Oh my goodness! I like this a lot! I loved how you brought together the less tangible idea of self with finger painting. This made the poem very vibrant and tangible.

  10. I really like this poem! I like the metaphor of painting to represent your writing

  11. I love the risk you took here Lily and I think the analogy works well, although I would argue you certainly are not infantile in your attempts at poetry. My favorite phrase: lies my soul hidden in color. Keep writing!
