Monday, May 3, 2010


I always loved football. For as long as I can remember

Every Sunday morning I heard the whistles.

My Dad and brother's eyes glued to the screen watching NFL.

“No interruptions. The game is on”, they would say.

So I watched. I learned to love it.

But it was nothing like watching my brother

Those late Friday nights.

Where the fattening aroma of popcorn and hot dogs arose

It was loud.

Between the horns, whistles, and sirens in between periods.

The slight feeling of anticipation of who will win.

Fans screamed at the top of their lungs,

even if they know they will have no voice the next day.

It was all worth it, on those late Friday nights.

But then, he went down.

Players went down left and right every game,

only to find out they twisted an ankle,

or got a black eye.

Not tonight. Not this Friday night.

I had a feeling deep in my stomach where

It dropped.

I walked to the fence, only to see #45.

My mom rushed me to the car

with a tight grasp on my left arm.

I saw the panic through her tearful blue eyes.

“He tore his ACL, get him there quickly”

I didn't know what this meant,

but the paramedics diagnosis made my Dad scared too.

They gently helped him to the car,

where he laid in agonizing pain with the back seat put down,

barely saying a word.

He didn't need to say anything, I saw his pain.

The tears ran down my face

I tried to keep quiet. Be strong for him, I told myself.

But as I looked out the window, that dark Friday night,

I thought about how Friday nights changed for me.

After he had surgery, I saw him watch from the sidelines.

Then after the game, when stadium became empty,

light's turned off,

There he stood, at the 50 yard line

crutches hand in hand.

This wasn't how Friday's were supposed to be.


  1. I love the narrative of this poem Annie. You take us through the moment well. The last image holds the tone of the poem. Nice work.

  2. i really like this. i think it intertwines your admiration for your brother and your heartbeak when he went down really well. really good description:)

  3. Annie, you do a great job capturing the small details of a life-changing moment. As I was reading, your details allowed me to vividly recall the numerous Friday nights I spend watching GHS football. Great work and great story!

  4. this made tears almost fall from my eyes thats pretty hard to do. I think that capturing the emotions through the poem was well done great job!

  5. I liked the areas when you included short sections with dialogue. It displayed how your brothers injury affected everyone not only you and him and how that changed how you viewed the game of football. Well done!
