Wednesday, May 12, 2010


The lights gleam down,

Creating a presence that is incomparable.

The grass is freshly cut,

Simply for the next 48 minutes.

The crowd screams, chants, and groans,

Each moment of the game.

The opposite factions collide with equal ferocity,

Leaving each other in pain,

masked by adrenaline.


Once the grass stops being kicked up from dirty spikes,

Once the red-faced screams from coach end,

Once the swearing under breath ceases,

Once the bruises and broken bones heal,

The lights are dimmed,

The grass is left untamed,

The crowd is silenced.

The game I lived for is finished.


  1. I like the short desriptive lines. They're short, sweet and to the point, while still leaving a lasting impression. Nicely Done.

  2. I really like when you shift and put nothing but 'yet' in one line, then make a different connection to what you are writing about. =)

  3. The concrete details are what sticks with me here. I especially like the opening line because it works on both a literal and figurative level.
