Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Where Were You?

Where were you when,

I was only a toddler,

my mother was still a child,

and I was now my grandmother's youngest?

Where were you when,

I was seven years old,

and all of my friends went to the father daughter dance,

and I watched?

Where were you,

when my mother was married,

to a man that would rather use his fists

than his words?

Where were you,

when, we had to turn to the police,

because you were not there to help us,

to protect us?

Where were you,

when my mother went through a divorce,

and I was left without a father,


Where were you,

when she remarried to an addict,

who would rather care about his addiction,

then us?

Where were you,

when threatening phone calls,

would wake us in the night,

and we had to change the locks?

Where were you when he sued us,

because he felt entitled,

and we lost,


Where were you,

when I was 12 years old and,

my baby sisters were screaming in their cribs,

but no one was there except me?

Where were you,

during divorce number two,

and I was left to explain what happened

to the world?

Where were you,

as I stood in the bathroom mirror,

practicing a fake smile,

so no one would know?

Where were you when,

I knelt by my bed,

hands clasped, whispering prayers,

so no one would hear but you?

Where were you,

Because I was right here,

forever loyal and forever forgiving,

but where were you God?


  1. lauren i love this, I really like how the reader doesn't know who you're directing it to until the end. I liked the line about practicing a fake smile in the mirror because people can visualize it really well. LOVE YOU!

  2. This is amazing Lauren. I love the concrete details and I can feel every emotion throughout the poem.

  3. This is amazing. I agree with Rachel. It's intense, I can see all the emotion, it all flows together.

  4. You are brave here Lauren and I love how you write right into the feeling most would not look at. Your voice gets more and more distinct with each piece you write. Be proud of this. I am.
