Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Oh, the Insanity

If insanity


repetition of the



with the

expectation of

different results

I must be

crazier than most.

Waking up

every day





(or later if I'm unlucky)

expecting not to be tired

expecting to wake up

whistling and happy

like those cartoons-

the fact that that doesn't happen

must prove my insanity.

Going to school

expecting to do well

expecting to be acknowledged by my classmates

must be complete insanity


none of that transpires.

Running to work

expecting people to be friendly and tolerant

expecting to be energetic and to perform my tasks

completely and expertly

follows the definition of being unhinged.

But I feel quite normal

not crazy at all.


just maybe,

I'm not the crazy one.

Maybe it's everyone else who's

lost it.


because I'm happy sometimes

there isn't anything bad about being

a little nuts.


  1. Katie I love this poem! It's so creative and you start off so bitter at the beginning and kind of put on a front that everything is fine. Nice work :)

  2. Katie, I like the repetition of the word "expecting" throughout the middle of your poem. I think that it plays nicely into your theme as a whole while also stressing the numerous expectations that we put upon ourselves. I really enjoyed reading your work.

  3. I really like the repetition and pattern of your poem, I think it helps to get your point across. Nice job!

  4. I love the whole concept of this poem! I really felt like I, and probably the majority of population of Gorham High School, can relate to!

  5. Katie I love love love this! It's got great meaning, and I love how everyone can relate to it in one way or another. Great job!

  6. The voice here is perfect. I think my favorite part is the perfect placement of the word freaking! It's where your voice really takes hold. Great work!

  7. Katie, I think that this is the most relatable poem on the blog. While you remain true to yourself and the emotions that you feel, you hit on the subjects and views of everyone. I love this poem!

  8. Katie I loved this poem! I think your topic is really accessible for a lot of people. It paints a really good picture, and I love how you structured it! I think it helps draw people in just by the appearance, and then it is intriguing so people are hooked! Awesome work!

  9. Wow, thanks everybody! Maybe I should write more often... :D
