Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My Best Friend

My goodnight kisser when I'm tucked under the covers,

my story-teller when I need help falling asleep,

my cheerleader when I'm trying my hardest,

and my motivator when I'm not.

My shoulder to lean on when tears drip down my rosy cheeks,

my lover when I'm empty, feeling like no one is there,

my buddy to laugh with when I want to share a joke,

and my inspiration to be strong.

You're the one that always raised me to be an independent and polite little girl,

you're the hand I reach for to pull me up when I can't lift off the ground,

you're the voice that scolds my mistakes and

and the voice that encourages my goals.

I love you for the long drives you make to my sporting events,

I love you for when you have to put up with my stubbornness,

I love you for the dinner you make me every night,

and I love you for giving me life.


  1. I think you should share this with the person you wrote it for. I think I love the first line best.

  2. This is a very cute poem Kels ! I think you express your feelings for your mom very well. I love itt.
