Monday, May 10, 2010


Isn’t that funny?

My nose feels runny.

Whatever shall I do?

For my forehead is hot

While my pot-belly rots,

I coming down with the swine flu.

The nurse asks politely

If I’m feeling unsightly

But I say “I think I’m fine, ma’am.”

But this is no fun,

This H1N1,

For I’ve lost my liking for ham.

I’m turning to pink

This really stinks.

Is this what swine flu is about?

Now I have a tail

As I start to wail

For its getting harder to breathe through my snout.

Oh I am forsaken!

I’ll be made into bacon!

My rump roasted, or sliced into steak!

I run to my sty

While tears roll down my eye,

And to think this flu starts with an ache!

I’m stuck eating slop.

Oh, when will this stop?

My time as a kid’s been cut short!

What will people do

When they ask “What’s wrong with you?”

And I say back “Oink-ity snort”?


  1. Nick! This is really creative! I think the rhyme scheme here works well with the tone of the poem. This is a unique and inventive way of portraying the swine flu. It's short and sweet! I love it!

  2. The last line makes me laugh out loud.

  3. This is fantastic! It was refreshing to see a not so great, serious subject as Swine Flu turned into a really funny poem. The rhyme scheme flows very nicely! I am thoroughly impressed! Great Job!

  4. Well done taking a serious issue and putting a funny spin on it. It's really clever and witty. I guess you are pretty good are writing poetry...

  5. Here's a poem for you:

    When did you get swine?
    Your poem is quite funny.
    You burned your forehead.

    Now, this reminds me of your Poetry Out Loud poem, probably because you end with an animal sound. But anyhow, I like how you developed swine flu into a hilarious misconception. It seems to portray the confusion that comes with getting something like that, and the "oh damn, what's going to happen to me," feeling, all while being quite the funny.

  6. This is a very funny poem and very original! You put a very funny spin on just a serious matter and shows your humorous voice. good job!

  7. I love this. The rhyme scheme makes it even more hilarious. Great job with the structure!
