Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Underneath my shirt is my skin,

Underneath that is my heart.

Underneath my heart is the way you told me that this would pass by too, someday,

But for now it is just the way it is.

Underneath that is the way you look at me, when you know just what I would really like to say,

Because you know how I actually feel is different from what I say.

Underneath that is how I've never fooled you with even a white lie,

Because you've known me for too long not to see straight through.

Underneath that is the way you've never turned my tears away,

Even when they become too much for you to deal with.

Underneath that is your constant forgetfulness,

But also the way you always check in at the end of the day.

Underneath that is how I fail, every time, to remain angry and withhold my forgiveness from you,

Because you have been my constant all these years and I couldn't bear to give that up.

1 comment:

  1. This speaks to love in that way that is complex and only happens when you have known someone for a long time. I could connect to that idea.
