Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A Fall to Remember

Sprinting as fast as my 2 year old legs can carry me.

Running and running without a care.

My mother is behind me, telling me to slow down.

She tries to hold me back, but I slip away.

Because I'm 2 years old and running,

And nothing can stop me now.

Around the corner I turn,

Face to face with the stairs.

Without a look back I charge down.

Missing the first step,

Missing the second.

Screaming as I fall.

Tumbling, tumbling,

All the way down.

Wood strikes my face.

My knees are hit next.

My face bounces once again.

Then my back takes its turn.

Head over heels I tumble,

Unable to see the ground.

Falling and falling,

All the way down.

The granite floor comes up quickly.

My mother is speechless with fear.

Slowly I crawl to my feet.

Looking around I laugh.

Somehow I arise unscathed.

Once more I'm 2 years old and running,

And nothing can stop me now.


  1. This is really good Mike! It captures the essence of 2-year-olds well. I really like the language you used because it inspired such clear imagery. I can see your mom's face too, and how she would react to that.

  2. I agree with Katie. It captures both the energy of a two year-old and, on the outskirts, the parental terror of trying to keep this ball of energy safe. Nice work.

  3. I liked how you started and ended with "I'm 2 years old and running, And nothing can stop me now." This poem definitely captures the energy that young children have.
