Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Come Fall

Your blue eyes twirled with sea foam

Bore into mine as we lay

Each of us knowing

As the other sputters to say.

Though words cannot allege

The purity of what is felt

As we lay beneath this blanket

Holding not a shed of doubt

And someday this will change

When the leaves turn to gold

We'll be left with only memories

I'll have your t-shirt left to hold

But for now all's okay

As long as we don't remove the mask

And don't let slip the words

We're both terrified to ask


  1. WOW, Shannon, this is awesome!!!

  2. I like the concrete detail of the tee-shirt here and the idea that some moments are all about what is not said, rather than what is. Good work.

  3. this is sad :/ but i really like how simple it is and how the details stick out!
    good job!

  4. I really like this, and I agree with kelsey.
