Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A Poem on Poems

I was told to put up a poem,

Our souls, she said, we should show 'em,

“To Science!” I said,

And into my head,

Popped thoughts of xylem and phloem.

Yet, a poem 'bout science is boring,

And this poem-thing I am deploring,

So my poem will

Explain how I feel,

And use lim'rick, to keep you from snoring.

I did try to write it last week,

But at TV I did take a peek,

And my poem did not

Get written a lot,

I'll admit, my chances seemed bleak.

Then I did try to write it last night,

But The Simpsons sure put up a fight,

And all that I did

Though my mother forbid,

Was sit around (to my delight).

Though I surely do prefer this fate,

To the thought of making this great,

So bear with me here,

As I won't adhere,

To the style that makes me irate.

She told me to show off my soul.

I think I accomplished that goal.

For my soul is full of

All of the above.

Though this wasn't too bad, on the whole.


  1. before i even finished the first stanza i knew it was your poem...
    just sayin.

  2. Nice poem Eric. Nice voice, like usual, I find it particularly funny that it is about procrastinating when that is what we were told to avoid.

  3. Loved the rhyming and the content was really funny. I think a lot of us can relate to it!

  4. This reminds me of you in latin class, so right off the bat it makes me happy. I like how you chose a fixed form poem for an assignment that was purposefully vague. Good work.

  5. Like Solange, I knew this was your poem in the first two lines. It is, utterly, your voice and, as a result, totally funny.

  6. This limerick is so...quintessential Eric Porter. You find a way to make us laugh while revealing exactly what it is that you do instead of your work ;) Funny and successfully executed with fixed form, nice job!

  7. I love this poem, it reeks of you. It puts me in mind of your part in 14 Lines. Excellent job!

  8. This was excellent and funny, as usual.

    I did notice a shocking lack of cliche.... just saying

  9. I LOVED this eric! its so you... funny and creative!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Eric, your name wouldn't even have had to be put on the bottom of the poem, for me to know it was you who wrote it. I had all of these same thoughts when I was writing mine. Your limerick makes me laugh. I love this!

  12. Your voice is so distinct, it's incredible.

  13. This was hilarious, I love how put in xylem and phloem, the limerick for was great, nice job.
