Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Underneath My Heart Are My Memories

Underneath my shirt is my skin,

Underneath my skin is my heart,

Underneath my heart are memories only I know,

The engulfing stillness under water,

Broken at the surface by the sun's warming radiance,

And shrill screams from excited cousins splashing in the pool,

Shrill screams from the stands for the winning goal,

The chilly night air sliced by the steaming hot cocoa,

A comforting embrace to chase away the shivers,

An embrace by the boy lifting me on stage,

Scarfs and heavy down coats, save the seats in the audience,

This ballet is the true magic of my Christmas,

Like magic, lifeless winter melts as a rich green returns,

April showers bring May flowers and a new found happiness,

Loving happy, lazy days, while sleeping on the back deck.

Underneath my heart is concern,

Already missing, reminiscing, the moments I know,

Underneath my heart is love,

Adoration for the trivial instants that passed without thought,

Underneath my heart is hope,

Things won't change, they can only get better.

Underneath my heart is knowing,

Life goes on, I can't stop time from flowing.


  1. I really like your concrete details of your memories and the way you incorporate the seasons too. Nice work.

  2. I love how you use the same words ("shrill screams," "embrace," "magic") to transition from scene to scene. I think it's a great way to thread the memories together. It's almost like word association in memory form.
