Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Go Fish

The pouring rain that ran down my face

provided a cover for the tears

I was at an unfamiliar place

to visit someone who I had once known so well.

Deep gashes scarred his wrist

as well as my mind.

I was light headed as he got closer

we hugged, I held on tight.

Go fish had never been so disturbing

I wanted to scream

why would you do this?

But I couldn't.

Instead I held all of the emotion

In the lump in my throat

that burned as I attempted to hold back the tears.

I choked on my words

and when a tear escaped

I quickly wiped it, so no one saw.

I wanted him to come home

to erase everything that had happened

But it wouldn't ever be that easy.

It was not something a 12 year old would forget.

The memories of the past years felt like a lie

chasing him through the tall feathery grass

in the warm summers sun

was a thought impossible to grasp.

How did he end up here

such a carefree boy that once

I had looked up to and wanted to be just like.

I had been wrong, I did not want to be like him.

I was let down

unable to fully understand

why this would happen to someone

who was so loved and talented.


  1. I think this is a perfect title Daisy. And I love, love the lines: "The memories of the past years felt like a lie/chasing him through the tall feathery grass in the warm summers sun..." I also think you took a risk here and it paid off. It makes me feel this moment too which is what good writing is all about.

  2. awh daisy, this is really beautiful! you did a great job of using, "little" daisy's voice and you did a perfect job capturing such hard situation. good job!

  3. There is so much emotion in this. The way you mix description, your feelings, the world the way it was. The whole time I was reading it I was pulled in, I could feel the pain.
