Saturday, May 3, 2014

A Chance Meeting (Villanelle)

A single sudden glance by way of chance,
Can halt me where I stand as I admire
An unbeknown figure calmly advance;

We fall into an archaic form of dance
And to those old positions we adhere.
A single sudden glance by way of chance,

Eyes lock together, forever entrance,
A torrent of passion each inspire.
An unbeknown figure calmly advance,

Close enough to feel breath, I fear the prance,
All brought to pass by affixed desire,
A single sudden glance by way of chance.

Where does this come from, this burning glance?
Is it fear or passion that is so dire?
An unbeknown figure calmly advance,

And this gaze I stumbled into perchance,
That passed a torch of intense fire.
A single sudden glance by way of chance.
An unbeknown figure calmly advance.


  1. I like this poem a lot! I think almost everyone can relate to the idea of meeting someone by chance and having them become a large impact on there life, I think the questions asked in the fifth stanza add a lot to the poem.

  2. Thomas this is very beautiful, it freezes a lovely picture. I love how behind "passion", there is an internal conflict, ("Is it fear or passion that is so dire?"). It added a great deal of complexity to this poem. Your stylized old-English flows perfectly, I really enjoyed this poem.
