Monday, May 5, 2014

Who We Want To Be

It’s easy to say what we want to be
Maybe an astronaut or an singer
Or in the army, to fight for the free
Or a baseball player, the best swinger.

It’s easy to say what we want to be:
The president, a big Hollywood star,
A millionaire, house across the sea.
Better: a golfer always under par.

But what about who we all want to be?
That is the much more difficult question.
Do you want to be the coward, to flee?
The one to stop the bully’s aggression?

Stand up for those who can’t stand for themselves.
Don’t be the one to collect dust on shelves.


  1. This is awesome Em! I like the concept of your poem, very fitting for where we are right now!

  2. I really like the way you convey the message! Great job Emily.

  3. I really liked this. It was very inspirational and very relevant.

  4. Such a relevant poem! Put together very well! I love the last line because you leave the reader with something to think on! I love the examples that you use, because like Katie said it is all so relevant right now.

  5. I really like this poem Emily :) It kept me engaged and a lot of things that you mentioned I had never thought of before. It made me stop and think. Good Job!

  6. I love the contrast of who we say we want to be and who we are! Really speaks to the unfortunate reality but also says we can do something about it.

  7. Em, I really like the part that is supposed to shift because it is a clear shift. I also love the meaning of this poem. It carries a strong message that sometimes poems don't always have. I think it is important that poems do that, and yours did.

  8. I liked this poem, a lot! I love how you commented on how big dreams are easy to think of. Anyone can say they want to be a movie star, or the president, but your poem accentuated the difference between knowing what you want to be, and what kind of person you want to be, and that's a really good thing for us all to be thinking of right now!
