Saturday, May 3, 2014

The World Waits

The World Waits

She stands on the platform and waits,
not for anybody, but for something, with a face so shy
that she could speak to sparrows and sing their song.
Her fist a tight grip, a silent cry.
What she would give to turn and walk away,
away from what’s next, away from the world.

They told her what to expect, how harsh life was in the world.
But she wants to fly with the sparrows into the sun, so she waits.
She waits and watches, as wind whisks fall leaves away.
The sun tries peeking it’s way between the clouds but it’s too shy.
Each ray wishing to let out a soft cry,
yet each faint shaft of light carries its own song.

She wants to ride the melody and float through life on a song,
But they said “baby you have to make it in this world”.
Baby’s have the easy life, just eat and cry.
But she’s not a baby anymore, so she stands and waits.
She looks up as a train gets closer but she was all too shy.
So she stood on the platform and watched her life ride away.

The sands of time slip through her fingers, mind drifting away.
Back to the place where her mother sang her song,
the place before reality came and made her voice so shy,
The house that kept her young and hidden from the world.
Still she stands on that platform, but it’s outside that house where she waits.
She hears the song, she hears the peace, but her eyes begin to cry.

No one on the platform to see her cry,
Yet the soft brush of a hand touches her cheek, wiping tears away.
She opens her eyes to her mother who stands and waits
for the girl to once again sing her sparrow song.
For that song opens up the doors to the world
and brings a smile to a face so shy.

A whisper in the wind says “Don’t be shy”,
and she tells her that it’s okay to cry.
But her back straightens and her shoulder’s back, saying “I’m ready world”.
She smiles at the empty space in front of her, for her mother has faded away,
back into her imagination, but still she sing’s her mother’s song.
And there she stands on the platform, and for another train she waits.

With a future so precious she can’t shy away,
She smiles like her mother would, no more tears left to cry. Her song,
it's still silently sung with her face to the wind, and now the world waits.


  1. This is beautiful. I love how you portray the emotions and fear of someone leaving home for the first time.

  2. Abbie, this is a really great poem! It's so relevant, given that graduation and college are right around the corner! I love that at the beginning of your poem, she was waiting and nervous about going out into the world, but by the end, it was the world waiting for her!
