Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Is it even spring?

We patiently await for spring to start,
As we pray for the last snow fall.
The cold weather we wish to part,
because it doesn't feel like spring at all.

Our breath still visible in front of our faces,
and the crickets song is two weeks late.
This spring is turning into a disgrace,
how much longer should we have we wait?

The sad excuse for a snowbank laughs at us,
"It's the apocalypse" they say, "The end of the world".
Travel seems the best option, by train or bus,
This spring is like no other, the laws of nature it bends.

We beg for warm weather which spring should send,
Oh, when will this winter come to and end?


  1. This poem is especially relateable now, because of the cold start to spring we just had. I also enjoyed the slight exaggerations which added some humor.

  2. I enjoyed your use of personification when talking about the pitiful snowbanks. They seemed like they were mocking us this year. By giving them a voice you were able to more effectively show this.
