Monday, May 5, 2014

You are told to be the fragment of your grandfathers wishes,
you can only be smiling, happiness is the only emotion you can behold,
There's more to me than my DNA and my stitches.

I’m more than his last kisses,
I'm more than my parent's voices, telling me how to grow old,
You are told to be the fragment of your grandfathers wishes.

Earth is a tank and we are the fish,
but no one fits societies perfect mold,
There's more to me than my DNA and my stitches.

Echoing voices telling you to be swish,
if you love who you love you will be scolded,
You are told to be the fragment of your grandfathers wishes.

You’re more than never eating, never cleaning off your dish,
don’t wait to be who you are till you’re old,
There's more to me than my DNA and my stitches.

Why don’t we follow our own wishes?
Can we all just be bold,
You are told to be the fragment of your grandfathers wishes,
There's more to me than my DNA and my stitches.


  1. I like the shift in the second to last stanza where you go from echoing what you've been told to directly confronting the reader. I feel like a lot of people can relate to this poem.

  2. Rachel I really like the imagery here, especially the lines "You are told to be the fragment of your grandfathers wishes" and "There's more to me than my DNA and my stitches." I can really relate to this. Good job.

  3. Rachel, I really liked the last stanza where you asked "Why don’t we follow our own wishes? Can we all just be bold" That really makes me think about why we don't follow our own dreams and stop listening to what we're told to be... This poem is really relatable.

  4. I also noticed a shift in the second stanza, I like how blunt you are, it makes the poems incredibly relatable. You bring up the uncomfortable truth of how society tries to mold us into being someone we're not.

  5. I quite like the point you bring up here. We often do what we are told without much question. We ignore our own desires trying to fit into what other people tell us we should be. This concept should be questioned more.

  6. This was such a good poem with personal meaning behind it. I love how you're not afraid to be honest and true about the emotions you're feeling.

  7. This is a really incredible villanelle. I love the organization of topics they flow perfectly. The entire concept of "the fragment of your grandfathers wishes" struck a chord with me, it's no where close to cliche, I loved it.
