Thursday, May 1, 2014

Morgan Cushing

Sonnet 15

I’m running and I feel invincible.
My hands are battered and sweat drowns my face,
my legs are doing the unthinkable,
however, I know I’m winning this race.

No more worries fill my anxious mind,
they’ve all slipped away into the darkness,
with my thoughts soaring I’m undefined,
I’m pushing myself to reach the target.  

Confidence is key to being successful,
I’m pushing and pushing to reach my goal,
Although this can be really stressful,
This is the one thing that I can control.

This sonnet will help me get to the top,
and lacrosse will help also with this hop.


  1. Morgan, I really like how you wrote a sonnet on Lacrosse. You did a very good job with it as well, the imagery is very vivid which can help people who don't play the sport understand how it feels to be on the field and the thoughts that run in one's head. The confidence aspect is an important theme, people have to strive to reach a goal which is a good message that your poem portrayed.

  2. Morg, I really like this poem! I like how it's not typical like many sports poems are, you really take your own stance on it and use your originality. At the beginning I can feel your pain through your words, then your words seem to get calmer towards the end. The line "This is one thing I can control" parallels how at the beginning the lines seemed almost frantic but then at this line it seemed the poem got controlled as well. Love it!

  3. Morgan, I love this poem! The imagery is so good and really describes how it can feel to be on the field sometimes. I also like how you went outside of just imagery and talked about your thoughts, goals, and the bigger implications of the game and how it affects you. It also had a good rhythm. I never paused because I got tripped up on the words or syllables.

  4. Morgan, I really enjoyed reading your poem. I think your diction and imagery really capture the essence of not only lacrosse but also of all sports. The beginning of the poem is especially good at demonstrating how hard you have to work for success. Great job!
