Monday, May 5, 2014

Twitter Beef

In this kind of battle you are the chief.
You use you fingers as your sword and shield.
You type until you find some decent beef
and duel him with the keyboard that you wield.

You war ‘til the wee hours of the morrow
in front of a crowd of excited fans.
You go ‘til one of you leaves in sorrow,
and the other feels like a manly man.

But what do these battles at last achieve?
Do they test a man’s valiant spirit?
When the winners cheer and the losers grieve,
what valor is there in this to admit?

If you want to fight do it hand to hand.
Throw down your damn keyboard and take a stand.


  1. I love this! Its so accurate about today's pathetic version of fighting. I also liked how you used more old fashioned diction to coincide with the idea of battles. The shift in the third stanza was a good transition after the imagery you set up in the beginning.

  2. This really digs deep into the emasculation of society through technology. You should talk to this guy named Tyler Durden, he would like this. Well done Mr.President.

  3. I really like the message in this poem. Face to face communication is a skill which seems to be declining in this day and age where we can send a message across the world with the press of a button. I too like the way you executed the volta in the third stanza, questioning the valor of (perhaps anonymous) internet communication.

  4. I found this quite to be humorous. The juxtaposition of old english and pop culture references was successfully executed.

  5. This is powerful! I love the message you are portraying, it's a big issue in today's society and it is nice to see your opinion come through just enough to make it powerful!

  6. This was very well done. So funny as it makes fun of something we see on twitter everyday. I love how you make it seem serious while making fun of it at the same time. Puts into perspective how cowardly this fighting is.
