Sunday, May 4, 2014


The shell of a shadow lingers behind a tree trunk
and spies on the creatures which fight
and tackle the weakened, fallen star
Who once ruled the world with her charm.
And as those creatures rob her of her beauty
the shelled out shadow hides in shame.

And the shadow-like thing, consumed by his shame
Is, too, consumed by the enormity of the trunk
And he, too, is stripped of his beauty.
He twists and he turns but does not win the fight he does not win the fight.
While she falls to the ground like a bracelet’s broken charm
and suddenly, she is no longer a star.

She is no longer a star.
Broken down, what a shame.
What a shame to capture the creatures with her charm
to be torn down to nothingness, clasping shut her trunk
filled with treasures and secrets she can’t bear to fight.
What a shame to destroy the light of her beauty.

And the shadow creeps out to the once-reigning beauty
and stares at the scars of the star.
she does not put up a fight. She cannot put up a fight.
She is broken. She cowers away in shame. 
She is broken He opens her trunk
And he lifts out the bracelet which lacks all its charm.

He smiles with all the warmth and charm
he could muster. She is relieved. Endless beauty
shines behind his eyes. Shines from the trunk
of the tree and shines from the sky like a star.
Like a star, she puts those creatures to shame
Those creatures which tackled and fought that fight.

She releases her fright of the fight
and carries herself with a newfound charm
like none other. Ashamed to have ever had shame,
she sees now the truth of her beauty
and his. And while he shines, the star
slips away behind the tree trunk.

She fights to keep her beauty burning.
The charm on her bracelet polished, the star 
finally escaped, her shame locked inside the trunk.


  1. I love the third stanza, "she is no longer a star." This has phenomenal imagery, I wanted to cry when you read this in class.

  2. Chloe, I love this poem, especially the lines "While she falls to the ground like a bracelet’s broken charm
    and suddenly, she is no longer a star." I love the imagery that you create through this. Great job!

  3. Chloe, I think this poem is very well written, I love the imagery and metaphor and when your read it in class it was very powerful. Good job!
