Monday, May 5, 2014


your claws are so sharp,
they dig through my sternum and
pinch each chamber of my heart
until the tension is no longer bearable,
you are anxiety.

you are the force that drags me down
when my pride has finally found its balance,
you are the substance that
makes me question if I can ever feel this sturdy again,
sturdy again,
will I ever be sturdy again?

I feel stuck,
I can’t remember if I hate you
or if I love you so much that it makes
me want to carve a hole in my chest
just so my heart can have more room to breathe.
I keep running, and running
in circles that keep shrinking-
so now I’ve finally caught up with myself.

I fell,
I fell, I fell, I fell
and you kicked me while I was down, down , down.
I went to go push myself up but a memory shot
a bullet through my psych and I had to start all over.
I pushed, I pushed, I pushed up

until one day I smelt the dew,

and the clarity felt like Spring.


  1. Lauren, I like the repetition that you utilized; it emphasized your message. I also liked that you added the spaces between the last two lines, it pushed the idea of a new beginning. -Jessica

  2. I really like how your sentences get drawn out on certain instances. In my head when I read them I can feel the shortness of breath and desperation to release everything inside. The rhythm is awesome.

  3. I really like this poem Lauren! The way you used repetition and short abrupt lines really made the feeling behind the poem clear. I could feel the anxiousness that came with each word. The rhythm you used fit the meaning really well. I like how its faster in the beginning then drawn out in the end for emphasis.

  4. I really like this poem Lauren, I think it was cleverly written. The repetition and abrupt lines go well together and create an interesting rhythm that mirrors the meaning of the poem. I liked the imagery you used as well, especially in the first stanza.The opening lines were a really interesting way to start the poem. Good Job!
