Friday, May 9, 2014

One Life Lost In a World of Loss 

The body of a boy not yet fifteen falls to the ground with a thud, 
A single tear runs down his cheek, 
His body is caressed by his mother as she holds him in the mud. 
She screams for help but her voice is meek. 
Her shirt, once white, is now stained,
 with the memory of her beloved son. 
She screams for help but is pained, 
with grief of the lose of her only one. 

One life lost, who is she to grieve?
For the lives of millions have been lost as well 
their souls are blowing through the branches of trees.
Society’s decision to kill, destruct and destroy has left us living in hell. 
Whilst she sits among the mud and holds her baby tight, 
Three-thousand other mothers, 
have lost their sons tonight. 

A weapon of mass destruction, 
a vehicle of death. 
Why can’t our world function, 
without this bloody mess? 
A pill that can stop the heart, 
a bomb that can turn a city into dust. 
Why would we ever start? 
Why does society feel the need? We have to, we must! 

We call it self protection, 
we call it our defense 
But when it comes to interjection
when cannot stop and hence. 
The bodies buried by the millions 
a boy, a girl, all dead. 
Their shirts are soaked the color of vermilion. 
Some day the war will end... they said. 

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