Sunday, May 4, 2014


I really am quite horrible at this;
I just never know what to write about
It’s like my mind is an empty abyss
or a desert in an eternal drought.

Hours I sit, staring at the blank page
thinking only of my desperate hope
that I won’t have to perform it on stage,
with which I will not be able to cope.

It’s not that I don’t try, I swear I do,
I honestly just don’t know how to write
a poem; but I must, because its due.
Still, all I want is to set out in flight.

But alas I cannot, so here it is.
Clearly, I am not a poetry whiz.


  1. Laura, I think you really are a poetry whiz. I would have never been able to write a cool sonnet as you have just written. I liked the unique word choice that you used to compare the mind to an abyss and desert, it was very well constructed. Good Job! :)

  2. I love the metaphor as well between the mind and the abyss and desert! This is a really funny poem because I find myself in this same situation as well! I love how you wrote this explaining your process of writing! Like Rona said it was put together and constructed nicely! It flows nicely as well!

  3. I thought about doing a poem just like this one for my sonnet, so I can relate to this. Poetry is hard, but you did a nice job with this one. I like the sound of the first stanza especially with the metaphors and its nice flow.
