Monday, May 5, 2014



Carefully analyzing the past
Has never helped
Anyone move on. There is
Not a thing you can do to alter the outcome.
Getting past it is important.
Everything is different.


  1. I'm normally not too fond of non-rhyming poems, but I liked this one. I especially like the way you used "past" in multiple sense in the penultimate line.

  2. This is super clever and works really well. I'm a big fan of when people take a viewpoint and use statements to strongly support it. I really like how you don't dance around what you are trying to get at. It's cut throat and yet very enlightening and assuring. Great job!

  3. I love how you took a simple acrostic poem and really made it mean something. The strong tone really shows your stance on the subject, but doesn't make it seem like your pushing anything on the reader. I really like this one!

  4. I really like this poem, I think what I liked most about it was that it was short and sweet. Even though it was only 6 lines it was very powerful. I think it sends a good message and it exactly what a lot of people need to here. Great job Lydia!

  5. I really like this Lydia! To move on with life you have to analyze your past!
