Wednesday, May 7, 2014


"Do you get stage fright?"
of course not, I reply
I am lying through my teeth
as I allow myself to drown in anxiety
The inundation of nerves suffocate me
as I prepare to step out on stage
I can do this, I can do this

I hear my name

I can't do this
I shuffle out
I look at the audience
I know these people
I stand in place
I am petrified
I sing
I leave

And it all rushes out
I have done it
It's over
I didn't forget any words
I hit all my notes
but I am a wreck
Yet for some odd reason
I want to do it again

"Do you get stage fright?"
Everyone does
I haven't really answered them
I wait nervously
As a girl sings a generic pop tune
I note her mistakes
as if they can reassure me
or make me better than I am
I look at the list only to confirm I am next

I hear my name

I breathe in
I breathe out
I walk on
I smile vaguely
My music begins
I sing
My music ends
I smile vaguely
I rush off

That was awful
I made so many mistakes
I never want to perform again

"Do you get stage fright?"
Yes I do, I'm really nervous
At least I am honest
I am used to this feeling
I pace nervously
Am I going to be able to hit my high note?
Am I going to look good?
Is my music going to work right?
Am I going to be the best?
But it is too late to worry

I hear my name

I step out
I smile
I nod
My music starts
I sing each word carefully
I emphasize each note
I can't make any mistakes
My music stops
I rush off

I messed it up
I'll never do it as well as I practiced it
Did people like it?
But I move forward

"Do you get stage fright?"
Of course I do
This is only partially true now
I sit back and enjoy the act before mine
I'll have to make sure to congratulate them

I hear my name

I stride out
I grin at the MC as he makes a bad joke
I look into the audience
I smile
The piano begins to play
I open my mouth but do not sing
I have fun
The final note rings
Applause sounds
I curtsy once
I stroll off stage

I smile encouragingly at the nervous freshman
Who is about to go on
You can do it
I tell her, knowing how she feels
But I am not that girl anymore

I am not doing it because I feel I have to
to prove that I am better
or even to show off
I am doing what I love
I am a performer


  1. This is really good Maddie! I really liked it!

  2. This was awesome! I loved how it moved through time and showed your growing confidence as you got older

  3. I enjoyed this poem a lot! I really enjoyed your parallel structure through the progression of the poem. The short choppiness of the beginning part really resonated with my stage fright experience. I think this poem tells a lot and it is expressed so well.

  4. I love the development from age 15 to 18, how you get more confident but still reasonable. Also, love the phrase "inundation of nerves." I agree with Jason. I like the choppiness and short thoughts racing through your mind.

  5. I really liked the progression that this (collection of) poems portrays. As Jason and Chloe noted, the choppy sentences do a good job of expressing how it can feel to be on stage performing.

  6. I loved how personal this was! I felt like I could connect to you through your emotions.

  7. Maddie, what an awesome poem. I love its simplistic lines because they make it flow wonderfully. I like the numbers because at first I don't understand them, but by the end I understand they are age. I enjoy that this poem tells a story. I keeps my attention. It was overall wonderfully written. Lastly, I really like how applicable it is to you. Since I know you as a person, I know it relates to you in that you are a performer too. Therefore, it feels genuine.

  8. Maddie I love this poem! It perfectly captures how you are as a performer and I can feel your passion for it as I read it.

  9. Maddie this really sums up how passionate you are! I love it, good work!
