Friday, May 2, 2014


Rummaging through the files,
Peering through the snapshots and still frames.
Looking back on the times we were all smiles,
Going on, I can't promise to remember your names.
Always, I'll remember, the adventures we had,
And the lessons we taught each other.
"Never wear blue and black, or stripes and plaid."
Shake hands after a game. Always respect one another.
As we head off to college in the fall,
And careers lay ahead of us,
I’ll try to remember you, names and all,
But try and forget when I had to ride the bus.


  1. This is sad and exciting at the same time. The imagery is so accurate. My favorite line is "Going on, I can't promise to remember your names" and I like how you bring back this image in the end, it really ties everything together. This is a great poem to end the year with.

  2. I especially like the lines 'And the lessons we taught each other. / "Never wear blue and black, or stripes and plaid."' because it's so accurate and just made the experience feel more realistic to me. It's all in the little details. :)

  3. I agree with Kiara. That line really spoke to me. I like the tone you took here, reflecting back but also looking ahead into the future. It really fits the title.

  4. I really enjoyed reading this poem. My favorite line is the same as Kiara's, "Going on, I can't promise to remember your names." That is so true because I always think about what it is going to be like years later after graduation. I always think about who and who I will not remember. Good job capturing what it may be like after graduation. I really liked it. :)

  5. I loved this. My favorite line was "Going on, I can't promise to remember your names.". This was such a good topic to write about at this time of year. Your poem was funny and relatable.

  6. This poem was great, Shannon! It is so relevant, and as Sydney said, it's all about the details. It's funny how you mentioned fashion faux pas you learned in high school, and then referenced the dreaded bus rides. It made me reflect on my own high school experiences, and I agree. The bus would not be a bad thing to forget!!
