Sunday, May 4, 2014


There is beauty in the blackness of the night.
A brilliance in the mystery of the dark.
Do not cower from the shadows in fright.

Listen for the wings of the birds beating mid-flight,
Hear the echoes of a neighboring dog bark,
There is beauty in the blackness of the night.

Look to the stars which are shining so bright,
As you walk lonely through the quiet park,
Do not cower from the shadows in fright.

There is nothing to fear in the absence of light.
Though the shadows could hide a monster in the dark,
There is beauty in the blackness of the night.

Feel the breeze cooling the air just right,
And see the world without the sun’s mark,
Do not cower from the shadows in fright.

There are secrets waiting hidden in the twilight.
Do not rush towards the song of the lark,
There is beauty in the blackness of the night,
Do not cower from the shadows in fright.

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love the refrain: there is beauty in the blackness of the night. Although this follows the tight structure of the form, it feels very fluid. I also love the line: "and see the world without the sun's mark". There is something important revealed about fear and wonder here that I find compelling.
