Monday, May 5, 2014

 “Gore, with Iridescent Phenomenon
Consumeristic Materialism
Putrescent Corroded Greed, leave things on
Voluptuousness, Imperialism

Insidious, Licentious, cool cronut
Obsession with everything that’s mainstream
Repeating, Repeating, Repeating, shut.
Society just make you want to scream.”

Why have poems been degraded to this
Artistic rebellion against grammar?
Growing beneath the surface like a cyst?
This intellectualized rant and clamor ?

Why can’t they just be quiet and let us
enjoy ourselves without all of the fuss.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed how you were not afraid to confront something that you found upsetting. Its a unique subject that I think you should explore more.
