Friday, May 2, 2014


A Randy man with a candy fancy,
a sweet tooth for gambling and trouble. 
Will I be locked here forever? Chancy.
But I’ll stir up this looney filled bubble.

I’ll rattle the cage, I’ll mess up the nest,
Televisions will be live with the game,
The ward will be up in arms with protest.
The shocks do nothing, I still am aflame!

Avast! Ahoy! Let down the sails Big Chief!
Harding, let’s go seaward, full speed ahead,
Billy, man up, take a woman, good grief.
I’ll look to the starrs, to Portland I’ll tread.

And on my voyage I will take the waves,
Crashing down on me, these men will be saved.


  1. I think this is a witty way to summarize the book and it captured McMurphy pretty much perfectly. It was funny and well done.

  2. Never knew that a whole novel could be shortened into such a good poem. The characters were included and depicted in a unique way, reminded me of last year, well done Mike.

  3. I love how it conveys the spirit of rebellion against authority with undertones while making me chuckle! Really enjoyable!

  4. "A Randy man with a candy fancy" is an wonderful first line. This entire poem has an excellent voice behind it. Rhythm of it it is bouncy and hilarious. Well done Mr. Chin.

  5. This is a masterpiece, Chinsanity. Your use of double entendre in the first line is very clever. Your voice really comes through in this poem.
