Sunday, May 4, 2014



We are ready to slice the ropes and soar,
dance in the garden of Eden on rooftops.
Stop breaking our hands trying to carve,
and smashing through the sharps walls of glass.
Our bodies are our bullets, armed and ready
to tear the flesh of the ever-thickening air.

 And we begin to breathe in such new air, 
our inner eagles rising to soar,
we discover we are hardly ready.
For the coming dancing on the rooftops.
We are simply staring through the glass
alone with knives and ink to carve.

And the sunken eyed, which do nothing but carve
have given up on the true air,
decided to asphyxiate inside their own glass. 
They have given up their dreams to soar
over the rooftops of dancing people
many of whom are quite unready

The hands are all trembling, not quite ready
 to grasp the blades and carve
 bright, brilliant new pictures on rooftops, 
 to let blood run into the thick air.
Only the few who soar
can see them through the frosting glass.

On the other side of that glass,
sit the figured of wisdom, great men and woman ready
to watch the world be soar. 
As with their thick eyes they make a deep carve,
smelling fear in the air
and hatred on the rooftops.

And it is on those very rooftops,
with all the internal wars outside glass,
that strengthens the air.
The air is ready
to let the new people carve
as they learn how to soar.

We will stand out on those rooftops, feeling how ready.
Watch us break the glass, cut with a deep carve
whatever harms that sweet air that we love as we soar.


  1. Kevin, this was a masterpiece! This poem literally soared through my cerebral and the underlying message was deeper than a jeep full of people.

  2. I love the change of tone throughout the poem from confident to more nervous. I really feel like this connects to graduation and moving out into the world as seniors and portrays a lot of the emotions people are feeling right now. The word choice and imagery adds to poem, making the reader feel almost like they are physically there in the moment. Great Job!

  3. You're a really smart writer and this really shows it. Your word choice and content is excellent and you write complex ideas without trying to sound smart, a feat in itself. Your images were so clear that I could practically see them and could feel the emotion.

  4. Kevin, I think this poem is excellent! Your diction and the images you create are very powerful. The change in tone from the beginning to end really add to the message.
